OK! Magazine: Robert Pattinson Begs Kristen Stewart Not To Leave Him

December 15, 2011 by Hollywoodite

OK! is following-up the already flaccid story about Robert Pattinson supposedly cheating on Kristen Stewart with mutual friend, Sarah Roemer. There’s been no denial, because there’s nothing to deny. He obviously didn’t cheat, unless sitting next to a friend is cheating now. Well, OK! thinks there’s enough life left in the story to make it this week’s cover.

The cover reads: “Twilight trouble… ROB TO KRISTEN, DON’T LEAVE ME! Rob pleads, ‘I didn’t cheat,’ Kristen’s confused and angry, He proves his love by buying her a diamond ring.” Nope, there’s no trouble worth noting in their relationship. It’s wishful thinking and the work of OK!’s dedicated Twihard fan-fiction department. Moreover, the diamond ring thing seems to be a precursor to a fabricated “Holiday wedding/ engagement/ baby,” thing for next week.

This fanfic begins, “It was the canoodle felt round the world…” Because RPatz supposedly hooked up with some chick named Sarah, and thus KStew’s “worst fear was realized.” Now Rob is “terrified that Kristen might come home and toss his guitar and goodies into the street.” It is a “rocky period in Robstenland.” – via Jezebel.


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