Kris Jenner Pushing Kim Kardashian & Kanye West Into Televised Wedding?

May 4, 2012 by Hollywoodite

This would explain a lot, in light of this week’s reporting about how Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are “very serious… in love… talking marriage… and looking at rings” according to the various sources leaking this KUWTK PR babble to the tabloids.

There have been reports that Kardashian intends to accompany West on some of the dates for his joint Summer tour with Jay-Z (although, it’s rumoured, that’s just a contrived way to get closer to Jay-Z’s wife Beyonce). And there are engagement rumours, as sources claim the couple is serious enough to look at rings together. Indicating that they’re already thinking about the money they could make from a Kimye wedding and a baby together.

Kris Jenner is all over that. Earlier, it was reported that Jenner was “thrilled” about Kimye. And today sources report that Jenner is pushing the idea of marriage and pushing her daughter to televise and monetise the wedding.

And once Kardashian’s divorce comes through, since she’s still legally married, Jenner will push for Kimye’s Fairy Tale Wedding: A Kardashian Event or whatever gaudy thing they’ll name that spin-off.

“Kris Jenner is ecstatic that Kim is dating Kanye. She can see their celebrity stock and wealth rising by the day,” a source told “She is pushing hard for Kim to get her claws into Kanye and would love it if he proposed. She has already told Kim that if they make it down the aisle they are going to do it on camera again. There’s just too much money to be made for Kris to allow this to be done privately. You would think most moms would be keen for their daughter to take it slow, especially seeing as Kim’s divorce still isn’t finalized from the last fiasco. But, Kris just marks Kris Humphries down as a major mistake to be forgotten and is eager for Kim to move on to bigger and better things, which, she believes, Kanye definitely is.”

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