Lindsay Lohan French Maid Halloween Costume 2011 – Photo & Video

October 31, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Lindsay Lohan was a French Maid this Halloween because apparently its the Halloween of no1curr.

It was pretty tame, but for Heidi Klum’s dressing up as a cadavar. Nicole Richie dressed as Jennifer Lopez, Paris Hilton dressed as She-Ra, Kim Kardashian dressed as Poison Ivy, and AnnaLynn McCord dressed as Marie Antoinette. This year’s Halloween costumes have been very well-made, just lacking imagination. It’s like everyone sat around beforehand and picked obvious costumes out of a hat.

Well, Lohan’s costume is functional as well as seasonal since she’ll have to stop hooking eventually (cleaning is more of a stable career). Here’s video, caught by, of Lohan in costume Saturday night. It looks like she wasn’t really trying, right? It’s like an Alice In Wonderland costume in black.

** UPDATE: Below is a photo of Lohan in costume standing next to a slutty cop and Keith Hefner, Hugh Hefner’s younger brother, who is wearing a prison jumpsuit. OH, THE HUMANITY. The photo was taken at Playboy’s Annual Halloween Party Saturday at the Playboy Mansion.


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