#RitaWhora Trending On Twitter; Rob Kardashian Says Rita Ora Cheated With 20 Men

December 4, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Rob Kardashian dated Adrienne Bailon between  2007 and 2009 at which point she left because he was cheating on her. Balion remains a friend of the family, who’s sometimes featured on their shows, but the pair is no longer dating. Skip forward three more years and Kardashian is crying on Twitter about being cheated on by girlfriend Rita Ora from whom one can assume he split after accusing her on Twitter of sleeping with “20 dudes” during their relationship.

Venting on Twitter about the British singer whom he had been dating for just over a year (they only went public recently), Kardashian wrote the following.


* “This is a lesson to all the young women out there to not have unprotected sex with multiple men especially while you’re in a relationship.”

* “I just don’t get how a woman can do that to her body. And your career hasn’t even launched yet. I don’t put up with sloppiness. LOYALTY.”

* “But when a woman disrespects herself by messing with more than 20 men all while being in a relationship with a faithful man…”

* “When a woman cheats on you with one man I can live with that. People make mistakes, trust me. I have forgiven numerous times.”

* “I’m actually disgusted a woman could give up her body to more than 20 dudes in less than a year’s time while trying to start a career.”

* “How can a woman who is so busy trying to start her own career have time to be with so many dudes all while in a relationship?”

* “She cheated on me with nearly 20 dudes while we were together, I wonder how many she will sleep with now that we apart. But I mean 20?!” – via Rob Kardashian’s Twitter.

He isn’t really “faithful” himself; again, Bailon. And he’s only famous because Kim Kardashian sleeps around. But whatever, he called Ora a slore on Twitter after which #RitaWhora started trending on Twitter.

Khloe Kardashian reacted to the messages (before deleting her own), “Cheaters never prosper @RobKardashian ill be home today… Try and smile little brother.”

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