Beyonce Is Still A Biter: Did She Steal Countdown Choreography?

October 10, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Beyonce is still an unoriginal biter who’s lacking ideas for visual concepts and choreography.

It was rumoured that father and ex-manager Mathew Knowles would bully songwriters into handing over/ signing over their credits to Beyonce, because her fans wanted to believe she’d progressed as an artist (“writing” whole albums). At the Billboard Awards, she was “inspired” by Italian pop star Lorella Cuccarini… Beyonce then got the same team to produce an identical Run The World performance.

And now it’s claimed she literally ripped-off another artist, frame-for-frame. This is more obvious plagiarism, of the works of Belgian choreographer Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker.

Yep. Stolen.

At least the choreographer thinks so, after being made aware of the Countdown video with twitchy dancing and a baby bump of varying sizes.

When contacted by a blog for comment, De Keersmaeker said, “I didn’t know anything about this. I’m not mad, but this is plagiarism. This is stealing. They took pieces from Achterland and Rosas danst Rosas. … It’s a bit rude, I must say. … What’s rude about it is that they don’t even bother about hiding it. They seem to think they could do it because it’s a famous work. … Am I honored? Look, I’ve seen local school kids doing this. That’s a lot more beautiful.”


Beyonce’s team defended her, poorly. The video’s co-director, Adria Petty, told MTV, “I brought Beyoncé a number of references and we picked some out together. Most were German modern-dance references, believe it or not. But it really evolved.”

Uh, it didn’t evolve. It’s a mimic, a play-for-play rip… who are they kidding?

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