National Enquirer: What Happened In Whitney Houston’s Final Minutes?

February 15, 2012 by Hollywoodite

This week’s National Enquirer gets its own post away from the tributes, sensational or otherwise, that cover ITW/ Us Weekly/ Star/ People because Enquirer’s story is markedly different.

This story claims to examine Whitney Houston’s final minutes, with a cover headline that reads “18 Pages On Whitney’s Tragedy: Whitney’s Final Minutes, What Really Happened In The Hotel, Exclusive Crime Scene Photos; Revealed: Fatal binge after doctors give her devastating news, Daughter Bobbi Kristina Suicidal (Pals Hear).”

It’s a long, 18 pages long to be specific, work of creative fiction that goes so far as to reenact the death with a model whose job it was to lay in a tub with her head under water, examining Houston’s drowning (not what killed her), and lay face down covered only with a towel pretending to be dead. That’s a clarification, for those alarmed by the photo inset. The cover also clarifies it’s a “Photo Recreation” but it’s on the cover no less ( points out OK! Magazine July 2009 had an actual photo of a dead Michael Jackson).

The tabloid claims Houston drank alcohol and took Xanax. Cops claim Houston was ”too dulled from booze and drugs to keep her head from slipping under the water’s surface.” The supposed “devastating news”? A source claims that, shortly before Houston died, she visited two doctors who told her she’d ruined her voice. After learning of which “she partied the weekend away.”


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