Justin Bieber Seen Partying at 21-and-Over Clubs Throughout New York City
June 1, 2013 by Mike Siegel
It is common knowledge throughout America that a person must be at least 21 years of age to legally consume alcoholic beverages. This law is also usually applied for many clubs in the country, most of which, if not all, serve alcohol. However, legislators clearly didn’t get the memo that Justin Bieber is an exception.
Yes, the 19-year-old rebellious singer is at it again. According to TMZ, Bieber went club-hopping through New York on May 29th at three different venues: Avenue, Marquee and 1 Oak in that order. The former two clubs specifically advertised their Wednesday events as 21 and over; they are probably in great risk of losing their license depending on whether or not further investigation happens. Apparently, those age policies don’t stop Bieber, though, from getting his way.
Recently, the singer has been fulfilling the epitome of a classic, rebellious teenager. Speeding his super fancy car, harassing his neighbors and smoking marijuana have led Bieber to be easily scrutinized by various media outlets lately. And now he’s galloping into clubs he darn well knows he is not old enough to get into.
Who knows? Maybe this is Bieber’s creative mechanism of making a political statement that the drinking age should be lowered to 18 in the United States. After all, Bieber is quite politically involved. Remember when he voiced his stance against abortion?
All jokes aside, Bieber clearly puts himself on a pedestal when it comes to following simple rules. He’s probably somewhere out in the mesosphere right about now.