Bethenny Frankel Admits Jason Hoppy Wasn’t The Love Of Her Life

October 7, 2013 by Lindsay Cronin

Bethenny Frankel and Jason Hoppy are currently hashing out the terms of their divorce and not having much luck doing so. Since they split nearly one year ago, the former pair has been going back and forth about money, their home, and their daughter Bryn.

Although breaking up is, as they say, hard to do, Bethenny appears to have taken the split quite well and that could be due in part to the fact that she was never convinced Jason was her soul mate to begin with.

“I know who the love of my life is and I am not married to that person and I was the love of this person’s life to but we would not have worked in a marriage,” Bethenny told fans during a recent taping of her talk show. ”Did anyone ever see the movie, The Way We Were? Barbra Streisand and Robert Redford, they were the love of each other’s lives but that doesn’t mean it’s going to work so do not spend the rest of your life fantasizing.”

It’s a shame that Bethenny and her soul mate, whomever he may be, weren’t able to work things out with one another, but at the same time, Bethenny appears to be perfectly content with her unconventional view on love.

“It’s chasing the dragon, drug addicts do that, to chase that one original high, and you are never going to get that,” she continued. “You don’t have to marry the love of your life.”

Bethenny and Jason’s divorce will reportedly go to trial later this month.

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