Was Lea Black Caught Laughing About Mama Elsa’s Stroke?

October 7, 2013 by Lindsay Cronin

Marysol Patton’s mother Elsa Patton aka Mama Elsa has just returned to the Real Housewives of Miami after a brief hiatus earlier this year following a devastating stroke which left her hospitalized for several weeks. On the show, many of the housewives reached out to Marysol and expressed their sadness over what had happened. Shockingly, Lea Black, who was once good friends with Elsa, reportedly did not.

Lea and Elsa had been friends for years when Elsa suffered her stroke, so everyone, including Marysol and those who knew that Lea and Elsa had been close, was surprised to hear that Lea didn’t reach out — no flowers, no phone call, not even a text message. It was very strange for everyone. Even the fans have seen Lea and Elsa together, so it’s not like their friendship was a secret. At one point, Elsa was actually defending Lea to Marysol after the pair had a falling out.

Then, after months of silence, things took a dramatic and despicable turn when Lea’s close friend Frankie Grande posted a video of himself on Keek in which he was seen making fun of Elsa — and her stroke (at least that is how it seems). In the caption of the video, Frankie had written, “Me as Mamma Elsa on the Real Housewives of Miami… #rhom.”

In the clip, Frankie mumbles and talks with an accent as he holds the left side of his face. In the background, fans can hear what seems to clearly be Lea’s infamous laugh.

Shortly after the video was posted, Lea was quick to defend herself, claiming that the woman heard in the background was not her. However, as you can see in comparing the screen shot of Frankie above to the photo of Lea’s Los Angeles home below, the video was shot in Lea’s home! Frankie appears to be sitting on Lea’s white couch (which is seen in the photo below) with pillars behind him. You will also notice the railings around Lea’s stairs behind him as well as her windows.

As if all of that weren’t proof enough that Lea was, in fact, the woman laughing in the background, there was also a photo of Frankie (in the same outfit that he was wearing in the video) with Lea in Los Angeles just hours before the video was posted.

Still, Lea claimed it wasn’t her in the video, telling fans that she was the “wrong person” and that the allegations were “false.” What she didn’t reveal was who was laughing — just as she does — in her home at 3:00am. ”Stop the rumors! I wasn’t laughing at anyone in any video,” she tweeted at the time.

Below is the video made by Frankie in Lea’s LA home:

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