A&E Responds to Claims Against the Legitimacy of Storage Wars

Storage Wars is an A&E sensation that features auctions for items left in unpaid storage lockers. One of the top bidders, Dave Hester, filed a lawsuit last year against A&E claiming to have been fired after raising concerns that producers “salted” lockers with valuable items for dramatic effect. He also alleges that the show paid for “weaker” cast members to have winning bids among a number of other allegations.

Hester claims: “The truth is that [producers] regularly salt or plant the storage lockers that are the subject of the auctions portrayed on the series with valuable or unusual items to create drama and suspense for the show.”

Hester says he has suffered more than $750,000 in damages for his participation with the show.

However, Huffington Post is reporting that A&E has responded to Hester’s lawsuit and dismisses his allegations about the show’s veracity.

A&E lawyers released this statement filed in Los Angeles Superior Court: “In a transparent attempt to distract from the issues and maximize any potential recovery, [Hester’s] complaint tries to convert a garden variety breach-of-contract claim into a tabloid-worthy drama, in which Hester portrays himself as a crusading whistle-blower. But setting aside the notable inconsistencies in his exaggerated self portrait, the law does not permit such sophistry.”

A&E argues that Hester will not be able to provide any evidence of any unfair business practices, nor can he prove that he suffered financial loss from appearing on and eventually being fired from the show. A&E also says they will seek compensation from Hester for court costs and attorney fees.

It looks like Hester may have found himself in a bidding war he can’t win.

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