Alexis Bellino Focuses On Business, Gets Healthy Post-Housewives

Alexis Bellino and Gretchen Rossi are two faces that fans likely won’t be seeing on the upcoming ninth season of The Real Housewives of Orange County. However, that doesn’t mean that they won’t be hearing from them from time to time. In fact, Alexis has big plans for her future.

In an all-new interview with Beauty Bean, Alexis is opening up about her exciting future and what she’s doing to find her inner beauty.

“We’re very busy! [My husband and I have] opened two trampoline parks here in Southern California, so we’re very busy [with that] and it’s been kind of exciting!” Alexis reveals to the site. “Trampoline Parks! How did you come up with that idea?! We walked into one when we were taking our kids [out] one day, and [my husband] looked around and kept staring and saying he wanted one of these. [Even though] it’s [really] a lot of trouble though getting all the permits and starting a business, it’s exciting!”

Also exciting for Alexis is her new revelation about beauty. While the former reality star is certainly known for her undeniable outer beauty, it’s her inner beauty that she is now focusing on.

“Beauty, to me, is more abut being healthy and happy and just confident and taking care of yourself. I always say, it’s like a car, you have to put oil in your car and do regular checks on it to [make sure] it runs its best,” Alexis explained. “To be the most beautiful, that same scenario applies to us. It’s [also] more about who you are on the inside and then that goes to the outside. If you’re eating well and doing things that take care of yourself, you’re then feeling confident and good about yourself and that presents a better you to everyone else.”

In addition to her goals of achieving beauty through health, Alexis has also been striving for a more natural look which means a simpler hairstyle and less makeup. In one instance, Alexis even went public with a completely all-natural look.

“I LUV my glowing skin after a facial by @cyndiallcott & I don’t want to put makeup on!” Alexis wrote on Instagram a few weeks ago along with a photo (above) of her makeup-free face. “And thx Dr. Kobayashi and Dr. Kosins for keeping Jim & I young with the Botox. I’m refreshed! #nomakeup #nofilter.”

The healthier Alexis gets, the more beautiful she feels, but in order to get to a point of near-perfect health, Alexis also has to eat right — even if that means consuming some not-so-ideal concoctions.

“I do a wheat grass shot 3-4 times a week,” Alexis admits of her odd ritual. “There are so many benefits it does for you. It tastes like you’re eating a field, not yummy, but how I feel the rest of the day… I get this boost of energy. You don’t need caffeine! Nutrients and dense grass is what you’re drinking. I make my own smoothies too – more like a juice blend [with] parsly, ginger, kale apple, water — you have a ton of nutrients.”

As for what Gretchen has been up to, she and her fiancé Slade Smiley have been spending their days attending events for charity and working on Gretchen’s handbag line.

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