Amanda Bynes Prohibited From Flying Without ID

May 23, 2013 by Coco Liberty

In addition to yesterday’s reports on Amanda Bynes’ living conditions, now Bynes has been rejected from flying in New Jersey.

Amanda is denying anything happened — but sources at Teterboro Airport tell us, Bynes (wearing a velour jumpsuit and giant glasses) showed up at the private jet terminal on Sunday for a flight to L.A..

According to sources, the pilot was checking passenger IDs — it’s a really small terminal — and Bynes revealed her driver’s license had been suspended … and she had no other form of government ID.

We’re told the pilot informed Bynes she needed a form of government ID to fly — per TSA regulations — and she then ordered him to Google her as proof, screaming, “I’m Amanda Bynes!”

The pilot called someone from the jet company to see if they could get some kind of exemption for her, but the jet rep was adamant no ID, no flight and that was that. – via TMZ.

Her license is currently suspended because of her DUI charges, yet she should have other forms of ID like a passport or temporary ID.  If Google can pass, what’s next using Facebook to verify your identity? Since she allegedly yelled through the airport, “I’m Amanda Bynes!”  maybe she was flying to Betty Ford to join Lindsay Lohan and Brooke Mueller.

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