Amy Winehouse Died Because She Quit Drinking Cold Turkey?

July 28, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Amy Winehouse passed away less than a week ago and conspiracy theories abound about what killed her. If no conclusive results come from the toxicology report too, there will be years more of this. So get used to it. It’s claimed by some that her body just gave out after years as an alcoholic and  as a drug-addict. Some sources speculate that her family fear a heart attack killed her for the same reasons; her heart just gave out after years of abuse. Her father claims she was 100% drug free and that she had been drying out of alcohol. A new report seems to be blindly following that lead and claiming that a shock to the system and going cold turkey on her alcohol detox killed Winehouse.

“Abstinence gave her body such a fright, they thought it was eventually the cause of her death,” says the source.

“[Mitch Winehouse] said doctors had told Amy to gradually reduce her intake of alcohol and to avoid bingeing at all costs. Amy told him she couldn’t do that. It was all or nothing and she gave up completely,” says the source. “Mitch said the shock of giving up, after everything she had been through over a bad few years, was just too much for her to take.” – via The Sun, People.

That’s plausible. But so will be every postulation about her cause of death, since that’s the point. Hmm. Here’s hoping her toxicology results come back with something solid. So the girl can rest in piece.


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