Ashton Kutcher Gives Marital Advice In Men’s Health December 2011

November 18, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Ashton Kutcher is sad enough about the failure of his marriage to shill and make money from the social media site in which he invested.

Late yesterday, making sure to release the news before the weekend and well within business hours so it didn’t get buried on Friday, Demi Moore released a statement saying she had left Kutcher. It was a tersely-worded statement that offered none of the usual platitudes; it was aggressively-worded and, coming from a seasoned actress who could have just said “We have mutual respect for each other, but we have decided to end our relationship… we maintain a mutual respect for each other,” or something else boilerplate, it was deliberate.

She said, “It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I have decided to end my six-year marriage to Ashton. As a woman, a mother and a wife there are certain values and vows that I hold sacred, and it is in this spirit that I have chosen to move forward with my life. This is a trying time for me and my family, and so I would ask for the same compassion and privacy that you would give to anyone going through a similar situation.”

Kutcher responded and, because of his Twitter following, a bunch of people saw his reply there first and reported that’s how he shared his reaction. Incidentally, he didn’t. He used the opportunity to make money from social media site he linked from Twitter, ChimeIn, in which he’s an investor. Because, MONIES. His marketing team were dumb enough to email a bunch of bloggers about their mistake, getting all indignant at their not being complicit in his whoring.

Kutcher is now covering Men’s Health December 2011 and giving marital advice. Which was exactly as fun when Kim Kardashian did the same thing in her Marie Claire interview (both conducted before splitting). He told the magazine you shouldn’t wait until there’s a problem in the relationship to work on a marriage. He’s a poor listener. And a woman wanting to change him is a dealbreaker.

On the best relationship advice he’s ever received: “I think it’s all about working on the relationship and making it better… when it’s good. Don’t wait for a problem to work on things. The goal is not to get into a relationship; the goal is to be in a relationship.”

On what compliment he would most like to receive from a woman: “I would just like a woman someday, somewhere, at some point in my life to say to me, ‘You’re a great listener.’ Haven’t heard it yet, and that’s a superior compliment to get from a woman. But I’m going to work on it.”

When asked to finish the sentence, ‘I could never be with a woman who…’ he replied: “Wow, that’s tough. I could never be with a woman who felt like she needed to change me.” – via Men’s Health Magazine.


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