Baseball Wives Star Arrested For Assault

Anna Benson, the infamous star of VH1′s short lived reality show Baseball Wives was arrested on Sunday. No stranger to headlines—in 2004, she publicly declared that she would sleep with all of her husband’s teammates if he ever cheated on her—she is now back in the spotlight thanks to her wild arrest.

TMZ has obtained the police report which reveals that Anna stormed into her ex-husband Kris Benson’s Georgia home and began to threaten him. Kris filed for a divorce last year and their relationship certainly did not remain amicable.

Former MLB pitcher, Kris told police that Anna was “screaming and out of control” when she angrily bursted into his bedroom. She was wearing a loaded ammo belt as well as a bullet proof vest as she held a handgun toward Kris demanding $30,000 in cash to be handed over. Kris refused and Anna smashed his computer into pieces with a metal bat. Terrified by his former wife, Kris told her he was going to get the money but he secretly fled the house and hid in the woods where he frantically placed a call to 911 and warned them that Anna was armed. The police quickly arrived and formed a perimeter around the border of the house which led to them eventually catching Anna on the house’s back porch.

Anna explained to police that she came over in the middle of the night because she was angry about a multitude of issues- such as money and to ask Kris why he didn’t pick their three kids up. When questioned, Anna admitted to breaking his computer but she denied every pulling out a handgun. However, when the cops carried out a search they found a handgun at the scene as well as a knife. As for the bulletproof vest, Anna claimed that it was a model she was trying out for a company. She said that she “had to wear it for an extended time to get it to mold to her body.”

Even after admitting to the cops that she came in uninvited and that she did in fact break the computer, Anna was confused as to why she was arrested and she let out a string of expletives directed toward Kris.

Kris remains safe at home whereas Anna has been booked on two counts of felony aggravated assault with a weapon, one count of criminal trespass, and one count of possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime.

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