Reports: Beyonce Banning Kim Kardashian From Inner Circle

April 26, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Several outlets claim that Beyonce closed ranks, once family friend Kanye West started rolling around in the trash. With friends like Gwyneth Paltrow, Beyonce reportedly doesn’t like the idea of slumming as much as West does.

A source tells the UK’s Heat Magazine: “Despite Kanye being one of Jay’s closest friends, Beyoncé wasted no time in banning Kim from being invited into their circle, which is exclusive to say the least. Beyoncé is used to hanging out with Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow; she’s in a totally different league to Kim. Kim had visions of her and Beyoncé hanging out while Jay and Kanye talked music and business, but it’s not going to happen… Bey’s marriage to Jay-Z was extremely private, and neither of them confirmed it until long after the event. Kim, on the other hand, turned her wedding into a media circus and the whole thing was filmed for a Reality show. Bey thought that it was really tacky and is not a fan of Reality TV, either.”

Another source affirms the claims to “Beyoncé doesn’t want the kind of celebrity that Kim Kardashian has nailed down as her own thing. Beyoncé doesn’t want to bring that reality show infamy and drama into a personal life that Beyoncé has tried to keep close to her. The Beyoncé the world knows and the Beyoncé/Jay-Z that her close friends know are completely different and she wants to keep it that way. Don’t plan on seeing Kim and Beyoncé being buddy-buddy as she continues her thing with him. Allowing Kim Kardashian into the mix is only seen as a distraction.”

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