Beyonce “Natural” Birth, Miscarriage Claims, Jay-Z GLORY Featuring B.I.C.

January 10, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Egads, so many updates from a couple who never so much as confirmed their wedding (in a comparable way to how Tom Cruise shared nothing of his life until he married Katie Holmes, then there was that unfortunate couch incident).

In an uncharacteristic move, Beyonce and Jay-Z issued a statement about the birth of their pillow who appears to be a real kid. Who knew?

“We are happy to announce the arrival of our beautiful daughter, Blue Ivy Carter, born on Saturday, January 7, 2012. Her birth was emotional and extremely peaceful; we are in heaven,” said the new parents in a statement. “She was delivered naturally at a healthy 7 lbs. It was the best experience of both of our lives. We are thankful to everyone for all your prayers, well wishes, love and support.”

A rep from Lenox Hill Hospital, Executive Director Frank Danza, denies the couple c**ckblocked other parents: “The suggestion that the couple paid $1.3 million to rent an entire maternity floor is simply not true. The family is housed in an executive suite at the hospital and is being billed the standard rate for those accommodations. Our executive suites are available for any patient, including the food service and amenities provided to the Carter family. We have made every effort to ensure minimal disruption to other families experiencing the births of their own children over the past three days. No security plan that we or the Carters’ security team put in place would have prevented or delayed families from gaining access to the NICU, and to date, no families have complained to the hospital about being denied access to the NICU.”

Whatever. That’s yesterday’s gossip, which has been replaced by today’s reports of a past miscarriage.

Jay-Z posted a song about daughter Blue Ivy Carter to his website. The song’s called Glory and it’s about her being some miracle baby after Beyonce supposedly suffered at least one miscarriage. In all fairness, Mariah Carey and Pink, if memory serves, only admitted their past miscarriages after successfully delivering children. Here’s the song and some of its lyrics: “False alarms and false starts, All made better by the sound of your heart, All the pain of the last time, I prayed so hard it was the last time. Last time the miscarriage was so tragic, We was afraid you’d disappear, But naw, baby, you magic.”

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