Beyonce’s Rep Slams Fake Bump Rumours As “Stupid, Ridiculous & False”

October 12, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Beyonce was a guest on Sunday Night, an Australian news show for which she was profiled and interviewed. It was uneventful except for her due date reveal, and her stomach folding in on itself. She’s due in February, so she says… although a lot of people don’t believe that either. And her stomach went concave and deflated when she sat down. Conspiracy theories have gotten out of control on the urban blogs like MTO and Sandra Rose. The main theories being 1) she’s not pregnant, but faking and waiting on a surrogate 2) she’s padding the bump, to make it look bigger, for attention.

Okay, to be clear, yes, there were photos taken of her in Croatia sticking out her gut. The photos were grainy and unclear. But there was some kind of bump protruding from her abs. Some think she faked those somehow too.

And the Sunday interview only made things worse. This started with the VMA reveal and only now has her rep addressed the reports. Asked whether her client was stuffing her bump, the rep told ABC News reports of fakery were “stupid, ridiculous and false.”

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