Are The Blue Ivy Carter Photos Real? How Did Beyonce Lose Weight?

February 11, 2012 by Hollywoodite

There is a little misguided speculation about the photos of Beyonce and Jay-Z’s baby girl that it’s easier to address in a new post. just published a post entitled “Are These the First Pictures of Blue Ivy Carter?” opining, “The photos surfaced on Tumblr a little while ago, and they sure do look genuine; there’s even a hand-written note signed by the Carter Family… Assuming this is not the biggest prank in the history of the internet, you have to hand it to Beyonce and Jay-Z for going right to the people and not getting a bazillion dollars from some magazine,” seeming to have missed the point that, no, the photos didn’t randomly appear on Tumblr with no other postings from the couple.

There’s also speculation about the photos’ authenticity because of the good lighting, because of how different (complected) the newborn looks in every photo, and because of the weird focus used in the photo of Beyonce holding her baby, leading some to speculate that the images have been faked/ Photoshopped.

However, the photos appear to be real. They first appeared on Jay-Z’s Life & Times site, which linked “Hello Blue Ivy Carter,” so it’s not just some random Tumblr of scalped baby photos some bored prankster rounded up on Google Images. Moreover, were naysayers to do two-minutes of searching, they’d find the same Tumblr linked on Beyonce’s official Facebook and on her official website, Beyonce Online, which has a B.I.C. photo blog entitled “Glory.”

So far as the baby’s looks, meh, she’s a newborn and sometimes babies just become darker over time. Similarly, it’s not that unusual to be born with a full head of hair nor such defined features (in other words, no, it’s not weird B.I.C. looks like Hispanic Ashanti in a wiglet).

Again, real. Although so sloppily-executed it started immediate questions of veracity (the couple buried the photos after hours on a Friday, which is considered the usual dumping time for bad news like divorces; Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez, Russell Brand and Katy Perry, and Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston all used this trick).

In other news, people want to know how Beyonce lost most of her baby weight already. According to this week’s Star, Beyonce worked out in two two-hour long sessions a week. So she’s pretty slim after only one month and she’ll be thinner still for the Grammys on February 12.

After giving birth to baby girl Blue Ivy Carter on January 7, Beyonce is determined to drop 40 lbs. of baby weight she packed on during her pregnancy and she hopes to do it in just four weeks…

Trainer Marco Borges has moved into her and Jay-Z’s Hamptons home to put the new mom through intense daily sweat sessions.

“Beyonce and Marco are up at 5 a.m. for a two-hour workout, and they do it again at 5 p.m.,” says a source. “They do a mix of cardio, Pilates, plyometrics, yoga and of course dance.”

Beyonce is sticking to a strict diet too.

“She’s having six tiny high-protein meals a day,” reveals the source. “She’s living on protein shakes, egg-white omelettes, pineapple chunks and lots of ice-cold water.” – via Star.

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