Breaking Amish: Abe Schmucker Proposes To Rebecca Byler Who Admits She’s Been Married
October 22, 2012 by Hollywoodite
In this weekend’s episode of Breaking Amish, there’s a contrived “proposal” worked into the show for the purpose of explaining away another marriage that hasn’t been mentioned until now. Just like the criminal convictions and trips to jail that don’t involve Kate Stoltzfus since other cast members have been to jail too.
In a previous episode, Abe Schmucker borrows money from room mate Jeremiah Raber for the sake of the supposed proposal. Which, as mentioned last week, appears to be a plot device to allow producers to explain away Rebecca Byler’s previous marriage.
In this weekend’s episode, Schmucker “proposes” and Byler accepts.
Only for Byler to admit that, at the time filming started May 2012, she was married to a man named Rufus L. Hostetler, Jr. from whom she became divorced (possibly towards end of filming) in July 2012. That is, Schmucker “proposes,” only after which does Byler talk about her previous marriage to her ex-husband, Hostetler, which appears to be another instance of the show editing to explain the cast’s storied histories (similarly, in the ring shopping episode, Raber admits his own previous marriage while leaving out the part about viciously beating his ex-wife).
Schmucker reacts to the divorce, and Byler’s insistence that it isn’t allowed nor accepted by the Amish. ”I didn’t say we can’t get married,” Schmucker says. “I said I have to make a decision between you and, like, being Amish.”
As previously mentioned, though, Schmucker and Byler have been a couple since at least 2010, when she absconded as a newlywed to be with another man, Schmucker, with whom she reportedly has a baby daughter.
Here’s a clip of this week’s episode (starting at 00:13 into the video).