Breaking Amish: Jeremiah Raber Releases His Own Police Reports On Facebook

October 29, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Breaking Amish’s Jeremiah Raber is accused of some very serious crimes against his ex-wife, Naomi Stutzman, including domestic violence and stalking.

The claims came to light while Stutzman was being interviewed for CBS 21 News, who found the records on their own after Stutzman stopped cooperating. The news station reported: ”Court records show Raber appears in at least 17 police reports… eight [of which were] for domestic violence.”

Publicly available court records go towards the veracity of those claims. For example, in records pertaining to their divorce, under case type “Termination of Marriage with Children” under which is the ”docket information,” it says the following.

02/10/2011 Domestic Violence Shelter Fund Fee pursuant to ORC 2303.201(D) Domestic Violence Shelter Fund Fee pursuant to ORC 3203.201(D) $0.00

So, at the very least, it’s verifiable that domestic violence was part of the divorce for which Stutzman gave “Gross Neglect of duty, Extreme Cruelty” and “incompatibility” as her reasons for leaving Raber.

Raber is rebutting some of these allegations, as reported in the media, though. Specifically, he denies that every record of “domestic violence” is about physical violence. Instead, he asserts, some of it was verbal. Which is moot, surely, when it’s also alleged that Raber would throw Stutzman to the ground, over and over, hit Stutzman in the stomach while she was pregnant, and threaten to harm their unborn baby saying that if Stutzman left she would “not have his baby.”

For what it’s worth, back around the time of the pilot, a Facebook profile under the name “Lone Rider” was attributed to Raber. Since then, he’s uploaded a photo of himself (wearing Amish clothes even though he left 14-years ago) and he’s changed the name on the account to “Jeremiah Raber.” Under which, under quizzes, it says “Who’s your favorite Cast Member? Jeremiah” and “Who is your favorite so far? Jeremiah”

That profile submitted purported police reports to BreakingAmishTheExpose’s Facebook on Thursday. Apparently, three reports of “at least 17″ is “proof” no physical violence took place. Or, perhaps, “proof” that not all the police reports were about violent assault.

Here are three police reports regarding Jeremiah and his ex-wife. It appears (at least in these three) that no physical violence actually took place. Note, that [the Facebook page] removed the addresses, phone numbers, and a lot of the boring (e.g. technical codes) stuff but all the good stuff is there.


10/25/12 Holmes County Sheriff’s Office 106 10:55 Detail Incident Report Page: 1 Incident #: 08HC02240 Nature: Domestic Violen Rspnsbl Officer: G Chanay Disposition: Closed Case on 05/20/08 When Reported: 11:34:11 05/20/08

Occurred: Between 11:34:04 05/20/08 and 11:34:04 05/20/08

REPORTEES: Raber, Naomi L. Name Number: 8483 NARRATIVE: was dispatched reference 911 call from this residence.

SUPPLEMENTAL NARRATIVE: was dispatched reference 911 call from this residence upon arrival found male sitting in a car at the end of drive way I asked if this is where Raber’s lived at. he replied yes asked who he was he stated he was Jeremiah Raber and that Naomi was his wife I asked if every thing was ok he replied that his wife just threw him out he stated that they had gotten into a verbal argument with her reference him not having a job he said that they just moved here from Florida and that he has one starting Monday. he said if he had his clothes he would go to his parents house that they did not live far from here and stay for a few days. gave him some advise on what he could do and got his clothes also then spoke with his wife and gave her some ideas on what they could do reference saving their marriage.


10/25/12 Holmes County Sheriff’s Office 106 10:58 Detail Incident Report Page: 1 Incident #: 08HC02805 Nature: Domestic Violen Rspnsbl Officer: M Myers Disposition: Unfounded on 06/19/08 When Reported: 22:34:54 06/19/08

Occurred: Between 22:34:45 06/19/08 and 22:34:45 06/19/08

REPORTEES: Raber, Naomi L. NARRATIVE: Dispatched to said location for a report of domestic violence upon arrival met w/ complainant investigation revealed known persons engaged in a verbal altercation.

SUPPLEMENTAL NARRATIVE: On said date & time I was dispatched to 1875 U.S. 62 for a report of domestic violence. Upon arrival I met w/ a Naomi Raber & her husband Jeremiah I spoke to Naomi separately from Jeremiah & she stated they have been arguing most of the evening about Jeremiah not wanting to work & she called because she didn’t want things to get out of hand. I asked Naomi if their had been any physical contact between either of them & she stated no that’s why she called before it came to that point. I then spoke to Jeremiah & he stated the argument has been all over Naomi needing money for a new van that she bought today so she could have the tags transferred over to her name. Jeremiah went onto say that when he said he needed the money for the rent Naomi didn’t like it. I attempted to get both parties to try & resolve their issues for the night & neither party could agree to settle things for the night nor would either party leave the residence. I advised both subjects to ignore each other for the night or one to leave so things wouldn’t get any worse. They were also advised if we were called back for another problem then the matter would be dealt w/ in another way. Both subjects advised their was no physical altercation & it was all a verbal altercation.


10/25/12 Holmes County Sheriff’s Office 106 11:00 Detail Incident Report Page: 1 Incident #: 08HC03122 Nature: Domestic Violen Rspnsbl Officer: M Myers Disposition: Unfounded on 07/08/08 When Reported: 19:22:55 07/08/08

Occurred: Between 19:22:43 07/08/08 and 19:22:43 07/08/08

REPORTEES: Raber, Naomi L. NARRATIVE: Dispatched to said location for a report of domestic violence upon arrival met w/ complainant investigation revealed known family members engaged in a verbal altercation

SUPPLEMENTAL NARRATIVE: On said date & time I was dispatched to 1875 U.S. 62 for a report of domestic violence. Upon arrival I met w/ the complainant Naomi Raber & her husband Jeremiah. I asked Jeremiah what the problem was & he stated he was not feeling good & was lying down when he was woken up by his kids being loud so he asked Naomi to keep them quiet. Jeremiah went onto say that’s when a argument started between them & Naomi called the police. I asked both subjects if their was any physical assault between them & they both stated no we were just arguing. Naomi loaded the van prior to my arrival w/ her & the kids clothing & after speaking to both subjects Naomi left w/ the kids. No further action taken. – Jeremiah Raber via Breaking Amish The Expose Facebook.

Incidentally, there’s a FAR bigger page, BreakingAmishTheTruth, which appears to have turned down the information until its veracity could be confirmed. B.A.T.T. Facebook wrote on Friday: “This page did not post previous police reports about Jeremiah because this page did not think it was relevant/appropriate. This page has been asked to post reports proving some were not of the physical nature they were reported/indicated as elsewhere. This page is attempting to verify the reports via an URL or photo. Until further authentication… Jeremiah notes, and the police report narratives he has posted say, that 3 police report incidences did not include physical violence and where verbal altercations.”

Someone on BreakingAmishTheExpose, the smaller page, asks Raber to clarify.

Facebook User: “Per at least two news reports, Jeremiah was named in 17 different police reports, yet he states three of those reports were based on verbal altercations…does that mean he admits to the other 14 reports of physical violence [against his] his ex wife.”

Jeremiah Raber: “Do your homework. I had said im working on the rest of them. Supposedly 9 of the 17 reports were stalking. I was living out of state at that time an have paystubs to prove it. Im not out to be mr perfect. The way it sounds even if i posted all the proof in the world u an some other ppl would be to air headed to believe it since you already have ur mind set. I dont need fans like you.”

Raber explains to another user:  ”i asked the admin to post them. im the one who sent them to him. they prove im nt guilty like ppl were sayin. everybody has the right to an opinion so i let them talk crap. ik whats tru”

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