Breaking Amish: Jeremiah Raber Is A Divorced Father; Which Cast Have A Child Together?

Rebecca and Abe from Breaking Amish
Rebecca and Abe from Breaking Amish
Photo: Rebecca and Abe from Breaking Amish are reportedly a couple with a baby (while pretending to barely know each other on the show) in a photo taken between 2010 and 2011 shortly before Rebecca’s teeth were pulled.

It would appear that many of the cast members of TLC’s Breaking Amish are not who they purport to be. Moreover, it’s becoming clearer with each episode (being watched by around 3 million people at a time) that the show is staged drama rather than reality.

One ex-Amish blogger has called out the show saying: “Over the last several days I have found more reasons to believe that Breaking Amish isn’t being upfront and is actually outright deceptive.”

There are several examples. Abe Schmucker, 22, and Rebecca Byler, 20, claim to be virtual strangers on the show who only “know” each other from church. However, they are, “allegedly a couple, have been for quite some time, and apparently have a child together.” This is supported by an old photo of them together “apparently on his brother Andy’s Facebook profile and… taken sometime in 2011.”

Separately, cast member Jeremiah Raber was outed as having left the Amish community 14 years ago.

Raber is a divorced father-of-three. He married the mother of his kids on February 27, 2005 (I have the wife and kids’ names but I’m not posting those). She filed for divorce February 10, 2011 charging ”extreme cruelty and gross neglect of duty in Tuscarawas County, Ohio.” After which the couple fought in court over child support and child custody. Included below are screen caps of the relevant court records (CLICK and ONCE AGAIN for full size). Note: these show the links to the records only, since the complete records contain too many specifics about his family.

Jeremiah Raber Court Records Photo 1 450x71

Jeremiah Raber Court Records Photo 2 450x72

And because Amish girls do not date divorced men, says the ex-Amish blogger, “the first episode of Breaking Amish where Jeremiah tells his ‘girlfriend’ that he’s leaving for New York, must be staged. If the girlfriend really was Amish, she would not be allowed to date Jeremiah. I’m just speculating here but possibly she is ex-Amish and an aspiring actress.”

One alleged insider offers specifics: “Breaking Amish what a joke Jeremiah has not been Amish for at least 14 years I know this because he was my roommate for a year and a half he has 3 children that he don’t take care of and he claims all he left was a girlfriend…”

More proof that Raber, 32, left years ago is his cached MySpace that contains photos dated 2007 to 2010 in which he’s wearing non-Amish clothes. He also had a Facebook under the name “Rebel Amish” that was deleted and replaced by a different pseudonym.

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