Bristol Palin: Life’s A Tripp Bombs In Ratings Against Teen Mom Time Slot

The last we heard about Bristol Palin’s eponymous reality show is that she punished Levi Johnston turning down a cameo by withholding access to their son. At least, that’s the allegation from Johnston’s pregnant fiancee, Sunny Oglesby, who alleges that Johnston isn’t a deadbeat absentee father; he is broke and living with his mother, but he’s also working to pay $20,000 child support arrears and he very much wants to see his toddler but he’s not being allowed to do so.

Today’s news is that, after all the marketing and the scripted tears derided by critics, Bristol Palin: Life’s A Tripp bombed in the ratings.

Palin’s Lifetime documentary/ reality show went directly against MTV’s Teen Mom season four in its Tuesday 10:00 p.m. time slot. According to TVbytheNumbers, Teen Mom had 2.372 million viewers compared to Palin’s 726,000 viewers.

For comparison, and for context, Sarah Palin’s Alaska on TLC premiered to 5 million viewers. In other examples, Oxygen shows The World According To Paris debuted to roughly 400,000 viewers and was not picked up for a second season, and Aubrey O’Day’s reality show All About Aubrey debuted to 724,000 viewers.

In short, 21-year-old Palin’s premiere was a disaster and you probably shouldn’t anticipate a second season of that either.

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