Cara Parrish Shares “Embarrassing” Yearbook Photo That Isn’t Actually Embarrassing
February 5, 2013 by Hollywoodite
Buckwild is approaching the season finale after only making its debut a month ago, because MTV has been airing everything in double episodes.
The final two episodes of season one air February 7. After that is a clips show comprised of “unseen moments,” but that’s basically just what ended up on the cutting room floor since multiple sources have confirmed that, although the show is not literally scripted, it’s ostensibly staged and it’s clear to anyone who’s watched an episode that producers are contriving situations and feeding the cast lines.
One of the show’s stand-outs is 23-year-old Cara Parrish, a 5ft 2ins tall model and aspiring fashion designer whose bio reveals that she attended West Virginia University.
In a previous post, Parrish shared her passport photo as co-star Shae Bradley had shared her own driver’s licence. And now here’s a photo of Parris from her high school year book captioned “#TBT embarrassing school picture edition. Goth stage. Haha. Always trill.”
Seemingly talking to her ex-boyfriend about the same photo who asked: “What grade was that?” Parrish replied “I think it was when we were dating, Loser.”
The ex-boyfriend responded,: “Hope that didnt come out of a yearbook with my pic in it lmao… so thats between 6th and 9th grade.” Parrish replied, “I think it’s 8th grade but I dated you for a quarter of my school career. So, it’s safe to assume this should embarrass you too because you were dating that hot mess of teenage angst… I was an angry little broad. Was/am whatever. Haha.”
The ex says he “wasnt much better back then,” and Parrish recalls of her ex’s fashion mistakes “remember when you had to get glasses? You got red tinted glasses and showed up to school in an entire red outfit even with a matching red watch. You were pretty loser adorable too.”