Ali Lohan

July 20, 2012 by Hollywoodite

As reported earlier, Michael Lohan impregnated Kate Major while she still had an active restraining order against him. This is the woman whom he dated while trying to get clean for press and money on Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew. His on-off girlfriend, Major, would arrive at the clinic unannounced, often, and cause trouble. Resulting […]

October 26, 2011 by Hollywoodite

So many obnoxious confirmations in one day. Ugh. Dina Lohan confirmed the occurring of the Lindsay Lohan Playboy photo shoot that took place Saturday through Tuesday this week at a Beverley Hills mansion. There’s no real detail on the theme or look of the shoot yet, and the only photo from set is of Lohan alone walking […]

October 20, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Ali Lohan appears to have eaten a sammich or two and has gained a little much-needed weight. She had been losing weight and looking a little gaunt as of late. So much so, her estranged father claimed she must have issues with food or an eating disorder. The 17-year-old’s modelling agency claimed she was a […]

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