Jessica Simpson

October 31, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Jessica Simpson confirmed her pregnancy for free on Twitter because her $500,000 shill fell through after she waited too long. About 40-minutes ago, the 31-year-old wrote on Twitter, “It’s True, I’m Going To Be A Mummy” with a play on words as lame as waiting until late second trimester to announce an obvious pregnancy. She […]

October 26, 2011 by Hollywoodite

A doctor who has never treated the 31-year-old and is evaluating her pregnancy using paparazzi photos, the way any good glorified Web-MD would, says Jessica Simpson is six-months pregnant. Anyone looking at Simpson over the last few weeks would have been able to guess her trimester. She looks out of the first, and well into […]

October 24, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Here are the first clear pictures of a very pregnant Jessica Simpson’s very pronounce baby bump. What do you think? Second trimester, early third? Any confirmation or lack thereof doesn’t preclude her actually being pregnant. She’s expecting. Last week, there was video of her doing the eggo preggo waddle. This week, various picture agencies have photos […]

October 20, 2011 by Hollywoodite

At this point, it’s fairly common knowledge that Jessica Simpson would appear to be pregnant. She’s been getting bigger only in the belly area, doing the preggo waddle while supporting her back, she’s stopped her booze-hound ways and she’s reportedly been gleefully eating for two. Not drinking like a fish and being a booze-hound, Christina […]

October 11, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Jessica Simpson was supposedly trying to lose weight for a fictitious November wedding date arbitrarily decided by the tabloids. Then, as the date approached, she was supposedly stalling for time until she could lose weight. THEN she was supposedly pregnant and stalling until she gave birth. Her story kind of depends on what tabloids you […]

October 4, 2011 by Hollywoodite

More specifically, Life & Style claims Jessica Simpson has been eating enough to feed a football team, so we can assume she’s birthing one of them too. The singer is no longer the emaciated stick she was during her marriage to Nick Lachey, her thinnest being during the filming of Dukes of Hazard. Moreover, she’s […]

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