Megan Fox
February 28, 2012 by Hollywoodite
Megan Fox landed the cover of Cosmopolitan April 2012 for her supporting role in Friends With Kids (it’s one of those films that everyone’s in and the marketing becomes so diluted it’s hard to be excited about it). Being in a minor supporting role is enough to land her a cover. And the cover of Miami/ […]
February 24, 2012 by Hollywoodite
Megan Fox covers Angeleno Magazine and Miami Magazine March 2012 with basically the same shoot and interview. The covers and shoot are below along with interview quotes ascribed to both issues. In her interview, Fox attempts to garner a little sympathy for being the quirky girl, the “loner” girl, her wording, in high school. Except it’s […]
January 17, 2012 by Hollywoodite
Lindsay Lohan recently confirmed she’s still under consideration for the Lifetime movie role of Elizabeth Taylor. It’s a pretty budget move, ignoring the character for a moment. It’s not a blockbuster, it’s not big-budget, it’s not a long shoot. It’s last resort, and it’s basic. It’s Lifetime. But Lohan is so excited to get anything. Literally. That’s […]
September 13, 2011 by Hollywoodite
Megan Fox can’t really win. She’s either being evasive and admittedly lying in interviews about her personal life and then people are left to come to their own conclusions. Or she’s giving away the farm and people are free to take words and phrases out of context making her look worse. Fox admitted she used […]
July 13, 2011 by Hollywoodite
Several doctors have commented in the same interview about how Megan Fox’s duck lips and waxen face are the work of a cat face artist and are no accident of nature. It was reported yesterday that Fox’s botox face was manipulated poorly in Photoshop to make it appear as though she’d had no work done. […]
July 12, 2011 by Hollywoodite
In what has to be the funniest story of the day – probably the funniest story of the year so far, actually – Megan Fox has been accused by three doctors of Photoshop shenanigans with those Facebook photos she posted last week. To her account, Fox posted four photos in which she expressed her narrow […]