Nigel Barker
December 15, 2012 by Hollywoodite
It was confirmed earlier this year that Tyra Banks’ re-tooling of America’s Next Top Model involved firing its stalwarts, Jay Manuel, J. Alexander, and Nigel Barker. Largely replacing them with a male model, a PR guru, and social media. It became immediately apparent that the judges had only been notified of their firings hours before […]
November 7, 2012 by Hollywoodite
It’s been officially confirmed, as of minutes ago, that President Barack Obama will remain the American president for four more years. The polls dominated the news today. There were reports of the polls being rigged, somehow, in favour of Mitt Romney; some queues were so long, people walked off before voting; one woman’s waters broke in […]
April 20, 2012 by Hollywoodite
Tyra Banks has fired even more people, who can now spend the rest of their careers badmouthing her crazy and exposing the show’s contrived, rigged fakery as did Janice Dickinson who revealed the winner was picked by Cover Girl ahead of time and the elimination rounds and judge’s deliberations were theater. Other such firings have […]