
May 8, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Tanning Mom Patricia Krentcil can’t seem to stay out of the news, following her arrest (and subsequent release on bail) for second-degree child endangerment last week. At the time, she was slammed by Snooki who called the 44-year-old a “crazy b**ch.” To which Krentcil replied: “She’s the biggest a**hole in the world. She’s fake, she’s fat, her […]

May 4, 2012 by Hollywoodite

In last week’s Us Weekly, Snooki said pretty clearly she wouldn’t be dragging her kid around to tanning salons or allowing her kid to tan (while still a kid). She said at the time, “My baby’s gonna be naturally tan. If you look at me and Jionni [LaValle], we’re very dark, so luckily the baby […]

May 2, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Last week, with Jessica Simpson days away from giving birth, a concerned Katy Perry tweeted “Has Jessica Simpson had that baby yet?! I’m getting anxious.” A little more dramatic, Chelsea Handler tweeted: “How has jessica simpson still not given birth to this baby? I’m getting frightened.” People clearly lost track of Simpson’s rough conception date, and the […]

April 30, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Snooki has taken to Twitter to defend comments made to Us Weekly Magazine at an MTV event last week. The tabloid claimed the 24-year-old fat-shamed Jessica Simpson while bragging about being “so thin” she didn’t need maternity clothing yet and avoiding “fatty” foods because she’d “die” if she ended up “her size.” Body-snarking another pregnant […]

April 29, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Snooki is still promoting the spin-off on which her first ultrasound is shown. Entitled Snooki and JWoww vs. The World, it’s the slightly more contrived and heavily scripted version of Jersey Shore. With bonus footage of Snooki drying out and watching co-star JWoww from the sidelines. Snooki is effectively benched for a bunch of this shoot because […]

April 27, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Snooki’s first ultrasound is shown in the promotional trailer for eponymous spin-off of Jersey Shore, Snooki and JWoww Vs. The World. Snooki, 24, and friend JWoww, 26, will live together. Jionni LaValle and Roger Mathews will co-star. As will Snooki’s baby. Because it seems the pregnancy is revealed right at the start. With JWoww, real name […]

March 30, 2012 by Hollywoodite

There are two Jersey Shore updates that it’s easier to address in one lump before Snooki is phased out for a replacement who’s still able to party their way into rehab. First, Snooki. She’s made her own, secondary engagement announcement on Twitter with the caption: “My FIANCE!” with a grainy photo of the ring. As […]

March 26, 2012 by Hollywoodite

With one pregnant and one addicted cast-member threatening to tank the show, Jersey Shore producers are doing the compassionate thing and phasing them out so new drunks can sleep around and accidentally get knocked-up while on a contract. reports that MTV is panicking how to save the show through season six and onward with […]

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