
January 5, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Snooki confirmed her intention to get a boob job because it’s her only semi-interesting anecdote while on the promotional trail for the forthcoming fifth season of Jersey Shore. Really, what else does she have to talk about? Her relationship with that guy she’s cheating on? Her books/ fragrance or whatever? It’s pretty limited. So she […]

December 7, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Jersey Shore is back for season five in January, after which, hopefully, they’ll be replaced with a less-stale cast. Season four ended with fake fights at home, fake bar fights staged with the help of producers in cordoned off areas of a club, and fake tension. The show’s either literally scripted or heavily-edited at this […]

November 1, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Basically every celebrity with a Twitter used it to show off their lack of imagination and/ or weirdly-stingy budget in selecting a Halloween costume. It’s apparent that Heidi Klum sent out a passive-aggressive, group BBM at midnight to let people know she’d already won Halloween (GO HARD, OR GO HOME). Everyone else wore samey costumes […]

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