Tim Tebow

May 22, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Tim Tebow, or perhaps Tebow’s people, are trying too hard to maintain this contrived, “saintly” image. At least, it’s feeling a little contrived at this point. When it goes beyond the prosthelytizing and the praying. When it goes beyond his opinion and his personal beliefs. When it bleeds over and we end up with this. Tebow posed […]

February 8, 2012 by Hollywoodite

The new issue of OK! has a slightly convoluted story that, one suspects, is only in the issue because whomever is alone in the creative fiction department has a copy of last week’s copy of National Enquirer. Remember, OK! is basically rehashing old Enquirer stories now. Including this one about Kim Kardashian and Tim Tebow […]

February 7, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Here we go again. Someone’s going to need to grab a pen and paper to jot down this listicle of women with whom Tim Tebow has been linked since January. For those keeping score, TMZ.com laboured a link between Tebow and Lindsey Vonn although she denied it on camera. Tebow was also linked with Katy […]

February 7, 2012 by Hollywoodite

According to TMZ.com, Kim Kardashian would voluntarily cut a bunch of eligible athletes from her dating pool. Which requires such a suspension of disbelief it’s just easier to counter with ‘Nope, never happened.’ The website claims that, since her split from Reggie Bush, Kardashian is over the idea of dating football players (no word on whether […]

February 6, 2012 by Hollywoodite

There have been a BUNCH of Kim Kardashian dating rumours since her divorce filing in October. Mainly because she’s an easy sell. It’s not that hard to randomly pick a basketball/ baseball/ football player with whom to pair Kardashian and then spin a semi-convincing yarn. In the last two weeks alone, Bow Wow claimed to […]

January 27, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Gross. Yet to complete the divorce process for her second failed marriage, and with a history of being pimped by E! and her own mother, National Enquirer claims Kim Kardashian would like to match-make herself with devout Christian (virgin?) football player Tim Tebow. Kardashian has, basically, weathered the worst of the divorce backlash. However, the magazine claims […]

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