William Humphries
December 15, 2011 by Hollywoodite
This week’s Life & Style has a random story claiming Kris Humphries’ father, William Humphries, is writing a tell-all book about Kim Kardashian. The cover tries to make it sound as though the baller is writing a book about his side of the story… since we already established he’s being smeared in a contrived campaign in which […]
November 9, 2011 by Hollywoodite
Kim Kardashian covers three of the major tabloids this week: Life & Style, ITW and Star Magazine. L&S report: “Kim’s Plan Backfires.” Their cover is about how the 31-year-old faked her marriage and divorce, causing a media backlash. Pretty much, L&S is just saying what everyone else is thinking. The glorified pr0n star married for attention/ on a whim/ […]