Chris Hansen May Have Anthony Weiner’d Alleged Mistress
July 10, 2011 by Hollywoodite
It’s being alleged that – further to his alleged infidelity – reporter Chris Hansen may have Anthony Weinere’d his alleged mistress. This is being alleged by the same tabloid who claim to have plotted the most ironic of stings to ever splash their already-tainted pages.
Hansen is best known for a television show that’s somewhere between reality television and schadenfreude in the event of a tasering or a good body slam, To Catch A Predator. On the show, no longer in production, he somehow managed to illicit minor feelings of sympathy for the dregs of society – men who’d be beaten for their crimes in prison – with ill-founded claims of entrapment (not to mention some of the younger people caught, or around 18-21 in age, you can see from YouTube clips receive surprising sympathy for their crimes and explicit chat logs).
Hansen was caught in a sting all his own, when he was alleged to have had dinner with and spent the night with someone who wasn’t his wife – two-decades-his-junior Florida news anchor Kristyn Caddell.
Kristyn showed close pals a couple of steamy photos that Chris took of himself and then emailed to her. The photos were taken shortly after the first night Kristyn met Chris in a bar and went back to his room for a night of sex. One of the images shows Chris standing in a hotel room in front of a large mirror. He’s wearing only a white bathrobe that’s completely open showing off his entire chest and midsection with one hand concealing his genitals. The photos were obviously intended to be erotic and make Kristyn hot but they came across as cheesy and even made her laugh. She cracked a couple of jokes about his size and [his] sexual performance. – via The National Enquirer
Hansen is yet to offer much of a response to the claims he cheated on his wife – his wife is yet to offer significant comment also. Neither they nor the alleged mistress has commented on claims that Hasen MySpace’d/ Anthony Weiner’d/ GuysWithiPhones’d himself in the name of chasing tail.