Star: Christina Aguilera Is A Drunken Mess, Gained 65 Pounds

February 22, 2012 by Hollywoodite

This week’s Star is pretty brutal about Christina Aguilera’s slide back into the boozehound behaviour we last saw in 2010/ 2011.

The cover reads: “Christina Aguilera’s Private Hell. She’s A Wreck. Sleeps all day, boozes all night; Hated by The Voice co-stars and crew; Bullied over 65-lbs weight gain; PLUS the lies that destroyed her life.”

This week’s Star story is, effectively, a copy pasta of last week’s In Touch Weekly story about Aguilera’s drinking on the job (and THAT was a sort of copy pasta of a National Enquirer story from two weeks prior). So there’s lots of recycling and allegations about Aguilera’s performance and perception on the set of The Voice.

Star now claims Aguilera is “out of control… getting wasted a lot and just embarrassing herself. [She] goes days without ever getting out of bed. She’ll have food brought to her, and she even drinks in bed too! Her dressing room is always littered with wine bottles.”

Worse still, alleges the tabloid, Aguilera left her son Max Bratman on his fourth birthday while she got drunk. And, supposedly, Aguilera and her boyfriend, Matthew Rutler, who’s “just in it for the ride,” regularly drink excessively until closing time.

Included below are the cover and the patently-unfair before and after comparison photos from 1999 and 2002 when Aguilera was “110 pounds” and late 2011 when she was “175 pounds.”

In semi-related news, Adam Levine appeared with his model girlfriend, Anne Vyalitsyna, on Howard Stern during which Levine copped to his “fool proof” method of contraception… pulling out. Which, according to some, “has a surprising 4 percent failure rate as opposed to condom’s 2 percent failure rate.” Levine was also asked about “plus-size” Aguilera.

Asked: “This is a sensitive subject for women, but why do you think she’s gotten so heavy? Is she upset? She used to be so f**king hot … And her clothes are too tight, right?” the singer replied: “Her clothes are tight. She likes to wear tight clothes. She clearly likes to talk about being comfortable with being a woman and snapping her fingers and doing the whole thing.”

Challenged further, Stern asked “Yeah, but when you’re a plus-size woman, you can’t wear the tight clothes anymore,” to which Levine replied “I wouldn’t go that far, actually… [So far as her size] I’m keeping my f**king mouth shut.”


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