Couples Therapy: Courtney Stodden Says She Was “Not Molested”; Explains Hypersexual Look
October 12, 2012 by Hollywoodite
Couples Therapy quickly devolved into “The Courtney Stodden & Doug Hutchison Show” with the vituperative couple instigating fights with the other housemates for the purpose of pulling focus.
It was immediate. The moment Courtney Stodden, 18, walked into the house half-naked and was called “trash” and her husband, Doug Hutchison, 52, was ignored for being a “molester.” And the second episode’s a little more of the same.
In this clip, the therapists asks the question that’s been asked since Stodden got married at 16-years-old. People keep asking whether Stodden is sexually acting out because of past issues of sexual assault including molestation. Asked directly, Stodden denies it: “No, I’ve not been sexually molested, touched in any way…I just feel more comfortable that way. It’s not like I walk around naked.”
In other news, another of the couple’s supposed relationship issues is whether to have kids.
Asked by E! News (to whom she sold her exclusive 18th birthday portrait) whether she intended to have a baby, Stodden said it’s contentious. The teenager doesn’t appear to want kids in the immediate future. Or maybe at all. But Hutchison’s pressuring her. She explains: ”We got into that issue, that was one of the main problems we were facing in our marriage… He wanted a baby and I did not want a baby. I’m not against kids, but my career is my baby… And when I’m ready to share that, we’ll discuss.”
Hutchison says: “We come together on everything. But it is something we contend with based on our vast age difference.”
Included are photos of whatever Stodden’s been doing to her face lately.