Crystal Harris Tries On Wedding Dress In Hef’s Runaway Bride Preview

July 19, 2011 by Hollywoodite

This would explain why Crystal Harris and Hugh Hefner have been giving interviews the last few days. One did wonder why Hefner was giving an interview on CNN about the wedding to someone six-decades his junior, with whom he admittedly had no real relationship.

Hefner has been honest with fans in the past about how fake is his television show, informing one fan concerned about an on-screen fight, “It’s a scripted [television] reality show… Holly & Jayde are friends.” Also, Harris already admitted that she and Hefner weren’t in a relationship. She was allegedly overheard telling the person to whom she was pawning her engagement ring, “Are you kidding? It was all for publicity.” Moreover… yes, there’s more… her “replacement,” Anna Sophia Bergland, was in a fake relationship with Hefner that existed only on Twitter. After a week of tweeting each other sweet nothings, in 140-characters or less, her mother spoke to TMZ to clarify, “The rumors that they are dating were just for publicity. They met at a party a few years back, but they are JUST FRIENDS. That’s what [Hef] means when he says Anna is his ‘best girl’… It makes me feel so much better to know there is not any hanky-panky going on.”

Okay, so he wasn’t dating them, nor sleeping with Bergland. But, here the two girls are; Harris in a white wedding dress (HA!) and Bergland stood behind her with a stink-face, annoyed the camera doesn’t spend more time on her sickly bridesmaid dress.

Can you see how insincere is Harris. She can hardly keep a straight face when talking about the wedding and exaggerates a trouty mouth when talking about her “feelings.” She seems to find it hard to fake emotion through the botox.

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