The Dark Knight Rises Has A Full-Length Trailer: Love It Or Leave It?

December 19, 2011 by Hollywoodite

The Dark Knight Rises has its first full-length trailer, following the release of the rather obtuse (in retrospect) teaser and the grainy leak of this very trailer as bootlegged from screenings of Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. Realising that the Internet is flooding with low quality versions of its work, Warner Brothers got its s**t together by giving the public what it wants: a high-quality video. And it’s here.

The trailer has more Tom Hardy as Bane, Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne and Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle (as in, not in their superhero costumes), Gary Oldman, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (who does little more than walk through a door).

It’s the last of the Christopher Nolan trilogy and, frankly, s**t’s about to get real.

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