Debbie Rowe Will Testify About Michael Jackson’s Drug Abuse

July 26, 2013 by Jennifer Exley

Michael Jackson’s ex-wife, Debbie Rowe, is set to testify during the wrongful death case with some shocking information, according to TMZ. Sources involved in the trial claim Rowe will take the stand to say that the famous pop star abused prescription meds in the 80s and 90s.

TMZ claimes Rowe will be called Tuesday or Wednesday by AEG Live and claim that former boss Arnie Klein (who also happened to be Jackson’s doctor) had a standing order from Jackson to inject him with Demerol and Visatril every time he visited the doctor. Rowe will also claim that she was unaware of this drug abuse, but that she saw her former husband coming from Klein’s office days before he died looking “totally out of it.” TMZ also reports that Rowe will say she called Klein after Jackson’s death and blamed his death on the doctor.

Should this testimony occur the way TMZ reports, it can seriously alter the course of the trial. If the jury believes that Jackson could hide his drug abuse from those close to him then they can argue that AEG would have no reason to take preventative action. Therefore, there would be no reason for this trial to go any further.

Rowe married Jackson in 1996, after she was pregnant with Prince. The couple then had Paris a year later. Rowe divorced Jackson in 1999, ten years before his death, and gave full custody of Prince and Paris to Jackson.

The only questions left to ask is how sound will Rowe’s testimony be in this case?

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