30 Kids With 11 Women: Desmond Hatchett Seeks Reduction In Child Support
May 22, 2012 by Hollywoodite
Desmond Hatchett of Knoxville, Tennessee made the news today after achieving similar notoriety in 2009.
Hatchett, 33, holds the record for squiring the most children in Knox County, a record he would also hold in several other counties, according to Melissa Gibson, an assistant supervisor with the child-support clerk’s office.
“It’s my understanding that he has 30 kids by 11 different mothers,” conjectured Valisa Thompson, Human Services spokeswoman, admitting that she’s not entirely sure there aren’t more unaccounted for children out there.
The Hatchett children range in age from toddlers to 14-years-old; nine of whom were born in the past three-years. Asked whether he could “keep up with it all,” the sperm donor claimed he knew all his kids’ names, and ages, and birth dates. However, he has no way of paying for his children with only one minimum wage job. So, SURPRISE, you’re probably going to end up paying for it.
The “father,” let’s just call him that, appeared in court this week seeking a reduction in his child support payments. Currently, the state requires him to divide 50 percent of his earnings (the maximum allowed under the law) among the 11 women.
Asked for further comment, officials agreed it would be great to legally prohibit Hatchett having more children. ”If there’s [a law] out there like that, I’m unaware of it,” Gibson told The Los Angeles Times. “It definitely needs to be.”
Hachett made the local news in 2009, at 29-years-old when he had 21 children by 11 women (yes, the same 11 women). At which time he declared “I’m done! I didn’t intend to have this many children. It just happened.” No, fertile ignoramus. No it did not just happen. It never just happens. Especially not to this degree.