Donald Trump Calls Beyonce’s Super Bowl Halftime Show Ridiculous and Inappropriate

February 14, 2013 by Staff

If I could think of just one person who never seems to know how to keep his shallow-minded opinions to himself, it’s none other than Mr. Donald Trump. The man has no boundaries. It’s one thing to bash other celebrities with public statements and threats of legal action for one reason or another, but Trump has even gone on to try to tarnish the name and image of our nation’s president!

This time he has gone after Beyonce, and has made some critical remarks regarding her Super Bowl halftime show.

During a phone interview on The Howard Stern Show earlier this month to discuss a number of topics, Trump got into dialogue about lip-syncing and was eventually led into the discussion of Beyonce’s halftime show to which he said “when Beyonce was thrusting her hips forward in a very suggestive manner, if someone else would have done that it would have been a national scandal. I thought it was ridiculous, I thought it was not appropriate.”

Where is his mind at? The last time people discussed someone shaking their hips inappropriately during a live television performance goes all the way back to Elvis Presley’s appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1956. Since then, we’ve had our fill of numerous pop and rock stars that have pushed the envelope much further than that of Mrs. Carter.

However, later in the interview, Trump said that what he perceived as scandalous apparently was not in line with the general public. “There’s been no mention of it,” he concluded. “So obviously, it must not have been so bad. She gets a pass.”

Maybe Trump should keep his mind on business deals and out of other people’s business.

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