E! Probably Auditioned New York Baller Boyfriends For Kim Kardashian

October 28, 2011 by Hollywoodite

It’s being claimed by WetPaint.com that E! pimped Kim Kardashian to make sure she had a famous New York baller for her show.

It’s pretty obvious her second marriage is one of convenience and her poor slow husband seems to be struggling to fit into her narcassist family. She withheld her first marriage from Kris Humphries, and only once they’d been dating for months and he joked about marriage did she even mention she’d been married for YEARS before him. Well, she’s sketchy about husbands and she’s sketchy about boyfriends too since Wet Paint claims E! basically pimped Kardashian to make sure she was attached to someone fitting for Kourtney & Kim Take New York.

A source tells Wetpaint Entertainment that last fall, a representative of E!, the network that airs the many Kardashian reality shows, approached the New York Knicks to find out if Danilo Gallinari, the studly Italian who was then a forward on the team, would be interested in dating Kim.

According to our source, both E! and Kim were interested in having her date a big New York athlete for the debut season of Kourtney & Kim Take New York, and the Knicks were their first choice. (The show, which first aired in January 2011, begins its second season next month.) Gallinari — then 22 to Kim’s 30 — was told that such a move would be good for his career and that he would garner lots of media exposure. Gallinari declined, saying he would be happy to meet Kim but wasn’t interested in dating or being a reality-show star. E! had “no comment” when we called them.

Before you could say, “The Knicks aren’t the only game in the New York metro area!” Kim was dating Kris Humphries of the New Jersey (soon to be Brooklyn) Nets. Did E! approach the Nets, too? The Nets declined to comment. (Actually, no team will comment on players these days, due to the NBA lockout.) – via Wet Paint.

The guy basically wanted to hit that, with her being easy and an older woman, but he didn’t want to date her because she’s a reality p0rn star. That’s what that is, right? He wanted to “meet” her but not “date” her. That’s what happened there.

Okay, so E! can’t deny it… because it totally happened, IMO. And the NBA can’t comment. So that’s awkward. But E! was caught staging alternate outcomes for a fake proposal with Kourtney and Scott Disick on an old episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians (the bit about the alternate endings leaked, leaving Kourtney getting defensive on Twitter like she’s about staging scenes at the producers’ behest). And E! was caught staging fake wedding talk between Kourtney and her baby daddy on Kim’s Fairytale Wedding: A Kardashina Event; the footage of which leaked to TMZ.

So, in short… this TOTALLY happened. It’s not like they haven’t been caught doing it before.


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