Read Donald Trump Meltdown Over President Obama’s Reelection Including Deleted Tweets

November 7, 2012 by Hollywoodite

The election 2012 winner was announced in the early hours of the morning and it was quickly confirmed that President Barack Obama would remain the president of the United States for another four more years about which he tweeted a victory photograph with First Lady Michelle Obama. There are election photos and celebrity reactions to the win here.

Immediately before the winner was announced, there was still hope for Mitt Romney fans that he might just swing it. At least, they appeared hopeful and perhaps even boastful at the thought of a win. About two hours before the winner was announced, notorious blowhard Donald Trump injected himself into the story, as always, with a seemingly neutral comment on Twitter about how it doesn’t even matter who wins because the greater good of the country will be more important: “Whoever wins today, remember that tomorrow we still have a country struggling. Our work is not done until America is strong again.”

…Then Romney lost. And Trump lost his s**t. Starting with: “Well, back to the drawing board!”

Here’s his Twitter stream from immediately after the loss (he’s already deleted some of the crazier tweets).

* Well, back to the drawing board.”

* “He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country.”

* “The phoney electoral college made a laughing stock out of our nation. The loser one!”

* “We can’t let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!”

* “Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.”

* “More votes equals a loss…revolution!”

* “This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!”

* “Our country is now in serious and unprecedented trouble…like never before.”

* “Our nation is a once great nation divided!”

* “The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.”

* “Hopefully the House of Representatives can hold our country together for four more years…stay strong and never give up!”

* “House of Representatives shouldn’t give anything to Obama unless he terminates Obamacare.” – via Donald Trump’s Twitter.

Note: That’s the original stream, of which a portion is captured below, although he deleted some of those when they were picked up by the media. Trump deleted “He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country,” and ”The phoney electoral college made a laughing stock out of our nation. The loser one!” and ”More votes equals a loss…revolution!”

Celebrities have reacted to Trump’s meltdown. Alec Baldwin noted that it’s convenient Trump suddenly doesn’t believe in the power of the vote: ”You trust the voters when they choose The Apprentice. But not now?” Baldwin tweeted.

Andy Cohen tweeted, “I’ma run a sedative up to Trump Tower#BRB.” And Modern Family creator/ producer Steve Levitan tweeted: “Hey Trump, did you see Mitt Romney’s concession speech? That’s what graciousness and good hair looks like.”


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