Emma Watson Will Return To Brown University, Next Year, To Complete Degree

July 19, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Emma Watson has been flip-flopping all over the place about the reason she left Brown University and whether she would return, attend another university altogether, or whether she had sworn off the experience. It would all seem to depend upon who is doing the asking.

Before she was able to clarify rumours, it was reported that Watson left Brown because of bullying. She was reportedly taunted by other students and basically left because it had become intolerable. However, she told TIME that was not the case. Only weeks later, she elaborated in the UK’s Sunday Times, that she left because she was too famous to remain in the company of commoners. Sort of… she kept changing her tune.

“I was in denial, I wanted to pretend I wasn’t as famous as I was. I was trying to seek out normality, but I kind of have to accept who I am, the position I’m in and what happened,” she said. “I’ve never even been asked for an autograph on campus. I threw a party for nearly 100 students and not a single person put a photo on Facebook.”

“It made me so sad when all this stuff came out that I left Brown because I was being bullied. It made no sense at all. Brown has been the opposite,” she continued, “Even if I was being given a hard time, I wasn’t going to wuss out of university because someone said ‘Wingardium leviosa’ to me in a corridor, or ‘Ten points for Gryffindor.’ I’ve been dealing with the media since I was nine. If I can’t stand up to a few people giving me a hard time. I’ve had so much worse.” – via The Sunday Times.

See how she couldn’t quite make up her mind as to whether she was bothered by the notion of fame on campus. She was conflicted, right? She was famous, and in denial. But, it didn’t matter because everyone was so cool. What? Well, she elaborated further in American Vogue, which she covered in July.

“I have felt for the last ten years I have had this battle; I’ve been fighting so hard to have an education. It’s been this uphill struggle. I was Warner Brothers pain in the butt. I was their scheduling conflict. I was the one who made life difficult.”

Finally, Emma announced that she would not renew her contract for the last two films unless changes were made to accommodate her desire to go to university. Warner Bros. agreed to do everything humanly possible, and, she says, “I just realized at one point that I can’t fight everything. I have to move in the direction of it… and go with it.” – via American Vogue.

Now she’s telling Access Hollywood that after her study at England’s Oxford University in the Fall, she intends to return to Brown in 2012.


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