Farrah Abraham Admits “Hiring” James Deen In Movie She Produced, Says He Didn’t Get Profit

May 9, 2013 by Hollywoodite

Since being outed as the producer of her own adult movie made for the purpose of garnering money and attention, Farrah Abraham has stuck to her same story about it being a “personal tape” that “accidentally leaked” and only got out because James Deen “ran his mouth” to the press. However, Deen is the only one whose words have any veracity in this whole saga; he’s been saying from the start that Abraham contrived and produced a professional adult movie with the intent to publicly distribute; moreover, he adds, she tried to pay him to be her fake boyfriend although he declined that charade.

And now, FINALLY, in a new interview with Entertainment Tonight, Abraham admits to hiring Deen. Using the word “hiring,” even though she’s been defensive in the past about the use of that word, like when anyone points out that it stops being a “sex tape” and starts being regular ol’ p0rn when you’re producing it so you can sell it or use it to raise your profile.

Asked whether Deen took a share of the profits, Abraham says “No. I mean besides me hiring him. I was like ‘I’m paying you to shut your mouth, you’re signing the agreement.’ But unless he made money off of his interviews, and those things I have no control over and that’s him.” She added, she was influenced to make a “tape” by friends who had done so and a friend recommend she “hire a professional” in her “tape.”

Still insisting she only sold it when Deen leaked its existence, she said “What ended up happening was James Deen, who is in my video, thought it was okay…[to say to] the public ‘I did something with Farrah.’ But he did it in his own way of saying ‘I made a porn with her’ and made it his own thing. That’s why I was like, ‘Let me be one step ahead and let me gain control of my own video again.’ That’s why I was meeting with different adult entertainment companies. I sold it to Vivid.”

She claims the “tape” was only intended for personal use: “A lot of my girlfriends who are back home have done personal sexy shots, sexual videos, feminine things showing their sexuality and being happy for themselves,” the Iowa native said. “Here I am the same age or younger as most of my friends, and I’m like ‘Why am I not [as] happy with myself as they are? Why am I not doing this for me?’” Abraham is currently on a radio and press tour promoting the movie.

Deen refutes this version of events because, of course, they never happened that way. “I’m trying to be respectful of Farrah and her wishes, and despite what she said, I didn’t let the cat out of the bag,” Deen told The Today Show. “I can lie about it now and try to keep it confidential, but eventually the porno will come out, so it’s just prolonging the inevitable. It does bother me that she got so offended, because I have no desire to say anything that’s disrespectful or violate her boundaries.”

Deen added, “This whole thing definitely created some buzz. I can tell you that the movie’s amazing in my opinion. The whole idea of doing a sex tape is to get famous, get press, Kim Kardashian-style, right?”

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