Farrah Abraham’s Baffling Move Into Adult Film Causes Problems With Her Mother
April 18, 2013 by Hollywoodite
Earlier this week, Farrah Abraham’s father claimed he would basically overlook the tape with James Deen because “forgiveness” is important to him. In addition, Abraham’s mother lied about her daughter being taken advantage of and supposedly not knowing the footage would be used for an adult film. This was made a lie during one of Deen’s interviews where he opined, based on what he knew of the situation, Abraham must have signed a release and been paid for the film.
But only days after telling TMZ.com cameras her special snowflake would never knowingly do a porno, Abraham’s mother has basically thrown the reality star out of the house. According to TMZ, in a story leaked by Abraham who provided exclusive photos, there was yet another mother-daughter altercation and the Teen Mom moved out.
Sources claim she was kicked out. But Abraham says ”After meeting with my counselor today, I’ve packed up everything and I’m not talking to my mom anymore.”
She adds, “My mother will never be a good mother to me and it is too hurtful to deal with let alone have my daughter Sophia around it.”