Farrah Abraham Was Suicidal, Drinking, Taking Cocaine After Derek Underwood’s Death

August 2, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Teen Mom’s Farrah Abraham was suicidal, she drank, and did drugs to cope with the death of Derek Underwood, her baby’s father. She tells In Touch Weekly Magazine during an interview to promote her memoir, My Teenage Dream Ended.

The child’s father died in a car accident while Abraham was pregnant. The reality star struggled to cope for two years postpartum.

“All I could think about was killing myself,” she told ITW. Suicidal, Abraham planned the details of her death, “I figured I would drown myself in the bathtub. That seemed like the easiest way to go,” and her suicide note, “I pictured telling her that I missed her daddy, and that I felt overwhelmed by the changes in my life and that she deserved the best and should be surrounded by happiness.”

To numb the pain, she explains, she would party, drink, and take drugs like cocaine and marijuana: “When I drank, I’d be happy for 10 minutes,” says Abraham. “When I got high, I’d feel a sense of nothingness for about an hour. But in the end, my negative emotions always came rushing back.”

There was only one reason she didn’t go through with her suicide plan, her daughter, “I realized I was being selfish,” says Abraham. “The most important thing is making sure that [Sophia’s] well taken care of. How am I going to do that if I’m dead?”

How is she recovering and coping now? “Therapy helped me manage my emotions,” Abraham tells ITW. “I was diagnosed with clinical depression, so I truly needed medication and frequent sessions with a counselor to get back on track.”

Her father, Michael, issued a Facebook statement in reaction to the interview: “Our family has always supported Farrah and Sophia with love and hope…even during the most trying times, just as Farrah has done for family members in the past that were going through negative times. I will say this… yes I am not a perfect father…and I wish I could have did many things differently that might have made things work out better for my daughter … but my prayers have been answered seeing how Farrah took the responsibility and steps to insure that she has been and is there for Sophia. Sophia lost one parent and I am grateful to God that HE has guided us so Sophia has her mother. My hope is that the haters and judgmental people that have taken shots at us will at least make an attempt to understand what Farrah has and continues to work through. Yes she might have been kinder and more respective of people around her….but those of us that love her and Sophia understand and continue to work with Farrah with understanding and forgiveness. Forgiveness is a great healer. Our family will continue to heal.”

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