Teen Mom’s Farrah Abraham Waxed & Tweezed Her Three-Year-Old Daughter’s “Unibrow”

January 8, 2013 by Hollywoodite

Teen Mom’s Farrah Abraham has been criticised for her decision making ever since 16 & Pregnant in 2009.

She’s been criticised for the way she parents her toddler, including allegations that she’s more devoted to her love life than to her own baby, she’s been criticised for spending money on her boobs, nose, and chin, instead of spending the money on her kid, and now she’s being criticised for pouring hot wax on her toddler’s sensitive skin (sensitive compared to an adult that is) for a vain reason like waxing the child’s eyebrows. These photos were taken after the treatments, going by the dates they were posted to Twitter.

It’s honestly only one of a laundry list of reasons to criticise Abraham and in addition to giving interviews about her surgeries she cannot help but broadcast this latest misstep too.

Here’s what the reality star wrote over the weekend… including a “sad face” when talking about her own daughter’s looks.

Sophia’s UNI-BROW , when is it time? (More #SULIA)
SOOOOOooooo, this is a touchy subject the Unibrow thing.

But recently I could not ignore it, like I know I’ve seen madonna’s duaghter have a stand out uni brow, I remember when I was little I had a unibrow, but I couldn’t remember if there was an age limit, a rule!

So here I am faced with a standout historical moment in motherhood when I can confirm to myself that my little, adorable,most cuddle-able cutie, baby girl has a Unibrow 🙁 , I felt bad for her, and I started asking friends…. is this hair just going to fall out… is it just hormones at this age?, well the hair didn’t go away and others started saying it was here to stay.

So I told sophia (my daughter who is a late 3 years old) of the little issue on her brow, and I showed her how I waxed mine off, so I tryed to wax her, the second a dab hit the Uni, she touch it with the towel she had in her hand,

UHHH so now, wax was in the towel, and I yanked it back ASAP, but fuzz was not stuck to the wax stuck to her Uni, OMG moment, So now sophia was freaking out, so I had to act like it was a cool science project to get the wax off.

PLOT TO END THIS: Sophia feel a sleep, I got my tweezers and Pluck-pluck-pluck……soph was now saying ouch or anything and still was asleep, I got most of it off and then finally she woke up..I went to sleep .

The next morning I showed her and told her how well she did and she didn’t even know, She was more intrigued now to be ok with upkeeping her non-unibrow. I could tell she was proud.

Ah I feel like a good mom:) other moms tell me your ideas! -Farrah – via Sulia.

The comments on the blog were less than flattering.

* One commenter on the Sulia blog responded: “Is this a joke? You attempted to wax your THREE YEAR OLD’S unibrow?! And then proceeded to tweeze it? Wow. Now that is parenting at its finest.”

* Another person tried to offer advice to protect the child’s skin in the future: “As a cosmetologist I can tell you it’s not good to wax that young, tweeze? Eh, I wouldn’t on my 3 year old but it’s better than waxing. Her skin is still very thin at that age and could be damaging. Why not let her just be a baby girl a while longer?”

* Another person reacted as follows: “Farrah, this truly appalls me! What were you thinking waxing and tweezing a 3 year olds monobrow!!! How irresponsible. Did you not recently say you think people should be natural? Yet at 3 you are already teaching Sophia to be self conscious. She’s 3…. A bit of extra hair doesn’t matter.”

* One user was appalled: ”did you just seriosly say you tried AND WAXED your 3 unibrow…..am i the only one that finds this insane….wtf”

* Another Sulia user concurred that it’s sending the wrong message: “This is sad!!! She is a little girl!!! My God she is only three!! You are teaching a three year old that there is something wrong with her. You should be raising up your child’s self esteem not beating it down, she will have enough people in her life do that. What are you going to do when you don’t like her nose or anything else on her?!?!? This is sick!! You need help Farrah!!!”

* And so did another user who replied: “You’re teaching here to be self-conscious about herself! She going to think its ugly or not ok to have a unibrow…you should’ve just let it be nobody is going to care about a unibrow on a 3 yr old and if they do and have said something they’re stupid. That should have been a choice for her to make as she got older and if it was something that bothered her! Your daughter is a beautiful lil girl who doesn’t need to be all wrapped up in body image like you are!”

* ..and another: “Your sick!! This makes you feel like a good mom?! How bout spending time teaching her how to embrace her beauty, not tear down her self esteem. If she grows up thinking her mom doesn’t think shes beautiful the way god made her how is she supposed to ever be confident and have a good sense of self esteem without trying to change such trivial things?! How about teaching her how to read and become studious instead of being so vain!? There’s a lot more to life than looks, maybe you should realize that!”

This photo appears to have been taken before the treatments.

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