Frances Bean Cobain Calls out Kendall Jenner’s Lack of Awareness
May 22, 2013 by Staff
It looks like Kendall Jenner took a page out of big sister Kim Kardashian’s book. And in this instance, that’s not a good thing.
The 17-year-old caused quite a stir on Twitter last night when she shared a message about the difficulties of her young life. “[J]ust wish things could be easier sometimes mann,” she wrote in a simple statement to her followers. Though she voiced her personal frustration—and it should be noted that teen angst exists for even the most privileged among us—many people were angered by what they deemed Jenner’s lack of appreciation.
Among those upset by the tweet was Frances Bean Cobain, daughter of the late Kurt Cobain and the controversial Courtney Love. “I’d rather be a scumbag than a f**king idiot,” Cobain tweeted. But her harsh words didn’t stop there. “[P]raise high IQ’s, good taste & awareness about the state of the world. [O]h ya, not to mention, CANCER, famine, poverty, draught, disease, natural disasters, Death. F**k, Humans are so self involved.”
Indeed, Jenner does live an extremely privileged lifestyle. As a young model and reality TV starlet, Jenner is undoubtedly the envy of many girls across the country. And that is perhaps why Cobain took it upon herself to remind the teenager about the harsh realities of the world. “[O]h shh,” Cobain responded directly to Jenner. “There are kids on earth abandoned & homeless who forcibly drink contaminated water because clean water isn’t accessible.”
And the 20-year-old certainly has a very good point. But the whole ordeal feels a lot like déjà vu. Recall that on Monday, Kendall’s older and more famous sister Kim Kardashian was called out for her selfishness on Twitter as well. Could their self-centeredness be hereditary? It’s possible. But more than likely, this kind of self-absorption is a learned behavior.
Hopefully, a combination of angry comments and time for reflection will help the young socialite unlearn this bad behavior.