
August 29, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Kim Kardashian is back from the honeymoon so lacking and unimportant she cut it short to attend the MTV Video Music Awards to which she had no relevance whatsoever (she was there to host, but WTF for?) Kardashian and second husband Kris Humphries were on honeymoon for less-than-a-week in Italy doing little more than dinner […]

August 26, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Lindsay Lohan has so many ridiculous updates that it’s easier to lump them together in one post. The Cliffs Notes version of the insufferable updates: she’s still suing Pittbull, even after he somewhat-convincingly explained away the lyrics over which Lohan’s suing… and after a week of rumours on E! that she’s been begging a director […]

August 26, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Rumours of a second wedding are little more than crossed wires; a wedding planner will be one of the people running an event to welcome Kim Kardashian and her husband to New York when she goes there in a few days to film Kourtney & Kim Take New York. However, the rumours of a second […]

August 16, 2011 by Hollywoodite

There will be two main tributes at this year’s MTV Video Music Awards: Britney Spears and the late Amy Winehouse (anyone else still suffer a rude awakening every time there’s a headline about her death, like they can’t believe she’s gone so young?). Here’s the thing, there was a specific point in 2006/7 where media […]

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