Celebrity Fashion
December 22, 2011 by Hollywoodite
Oh dear, this story is being used so a few people can soapbox their worries about the state of the American economy. The Kardashians have been accused of using Chinese slave labour, by Star Magazine, even though the person quoted in the interview later told TMZ Live he was taken out of context, there’s no […]
December 22, 2011 by Hollywoodite
Star Magazine’s latest cover alleged that the Kardashians, and other celebrities who weren’t thrown under the bus by name, used slave labour in China to manufacture their clothes (rather than regurgitate it, you can catch up HERE). However, there are now conflicting reports about the Kardashian’s involvement and whether their factories were in compliance. So, this is […]
December 21, 2011 by Hollywoodite
Kim Kardashian has been caught lying. Again. This time it’s a mess of her own making. The 31-year-old wrote a whiny blog, bemoaning a story in last week’s National Enquirer about her time in Haiti. The story has turned out to be mostly true (people only went digging, belatedly covering the NatEnq story, because of […]
December 21, 2011 by Hollywoodite
Oh dear. It’s being reported in the new issue of Star, which makes this its cover, that Kim Kardashian’s family is complicity co-signing the use of slave labour in the manufacture of their Klothing Kollection. Really though, this Star report makes the Kardashians its face since they’re not liked anyway and are easier targets to […]
December 13, 2011 by Hollywoodite
Kendall Jenner is probably not important enough as a brand to be landing covers right now, since her celebrity is based on the waning popularity of a pr0n star sibling and a diluted reality franchise in which she’s a bit-player. But, she is a working model, despite not really having the bone structure. She’s tall, […]
December 7, 2011 by Hollywoodite
Dianna Agron (whose name people still insist on spelling “Diana Argon”) covers Nylon January 2012 as retro Twiggy. As least, she’s been given a heavy eye, a side-part, and a retro dress. So, close enough. Aside from the constipated pose on the cover, which looks like she has no intestines, it’s a cute shoot. But […]